
Legal Requirements


  • You must complete a Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) and give this to me at least one month (and up to 18 months) before the wedding date.
  • Your are required to provide me with evidence of your date and place of birth, identity and the end of any previous marriages, when we meet.
  • You must both sign the "Declaration of no legal impediment to marriage" by signing the declaration, you declare that you believe that you are of marriageable age, and there is no legal impediment to your marriage.
  • On your wedding day I wil solemnise your marriage. I will then ask you both, and your 2 witnesses to sign up to three marriage certificates.
  • After your wedding I will register the marriage with the Register of Birth, Deaths & Marriages in the State or Territory where your marriage took place.
  • The marriage can be celebrated in almost any location in Australia.
  • A person may marry if they are under 18 in certain cirumstances.
  • The celebrant is required to sight the following Originals documents. Copies can be certified by a justice of a pearce are not acceptable.
    • An official (original) certificate of birth, or an official extract of any entry in an official register showing the date and place of birth of the party.
    • If you cannot obtain a copy of your birth certificate then a current Australian or overseas passport is acceptable.
    • If either party has been previously married, the Decree Absolute or Divorce Certificate.
    • If you are a widow or widower, the Death Certificate of your late spouse.
    • If any certificates are written in a language that the solemnising celebrant cannot understand a translation by an accredited translator is required.
    • Evidence of identity - one of these is acceptable: a driver´s licence, a proof of age/photo card, an Australian or overseas passport or a Certificate of Australian Citizenship along with another form of photo ID.




An Authorised Marriage Celebrant is required to recite a monitum from the Marriage Act, that informs a wedding couple of the legal expectation of the binding nature of marriage within Australia. 


For my couples from Austria, Germany and Switzerland!


Ich spreche fließend Deutsch und freue mich, die standesamtliche Heirat oder die Erneuerung des Eheversprechens für euch hier in Melbourne oder auch an anderen Orten in Australien durchzuführen. Ihr wählt einfach euer Hochzeitsdatum, welches allerdings mindestens noch zwei Monate - besser 3 Monate, vor der Anmeldung der standesamtlichen Trauung liegen muss. Informationen zu den Dokumenten schicke ich euch gerne zu.


Für eine standesamtliche Heirat in Australien benötigt ihr:

  • Den Antrag für die standesamtliche Heirat (NOIM). Den aktuellen Antrag schicke ich euch nach Buchung zu.
  • Internationale Geburtsurkunden (diese beantragt ihr bei dem Standesamt in dessen Bezirk ihr geboren wurdet) oder ins englische übersetzte und beglaubigte Geburtsurkunden.
  • Reisepässe, die am Tag eurer Heirat noch mindestens 6 Monate gültig sind.
  • Scheidungs-, Sterbe- oder Namensänderungskurkunde ins Englische übersetzt und beglaugibt (sofern euch das betrifft)
  • Zwei Trauzeugen. Je nach Örtlichkeit können diese von mir organisiert werden.



Civil Marriage Celebrant 

Get Married in Australia / Heiraten in Australien


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